Acupuncture meridians
the extraordinary meridians
They control the main meridians activity , often borrowing part of their way and that they contribute to some connections. They are not directly related to the organs and innards, and they don't have the structure and ramifications of the main meridians.
The center lines of the body are covered by two particular meridians :
The Conception Vessel (Ren Mai) powers all Yin meridians, the Governor Vessel (Du Mai) all Yang meridians.
the specific acupoints
All front Mu points and back Shu points are used in general practice completely. It is not necessary to use them individually.
They are directly related to the organs and viscera. They are considered like the discharge taps of the meridians and viscera associated with them. They can sometimes be sensitive to touch and then it is a sign of imbalance in the meridian and organ corresponding to them.
This is why they are called alarm points.
They are located on the chest and abdomen and have to be massaged gently.
Their effectiveness is as great as that of back Shu points whose they are actually perfectly complementary points.
These points lie on the back and are positioned on the urinary bladder meridian.
They are considered Qi valves of all the energy circulation. They allow, through their direct and indirect action on the meridians, to equilibrate the energy. For that, all back Shu points must be stimulated.
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